Crisis Hotline: Dial 988

We Currently Have FREE Counseling Available for Veterans


National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.

Main Phone: 988

SVWG Manual - Chapter 6: MENTAL HEALTH

The following information is meant to assist servicemembers, veterans, and military families and survivors in finding the mental health resources available in the Middle District of Florida. We recognize that many organizations provide these services, and if you are aware of a helpful resource or organization not listed here, please contact us at [email protected]

Local Florida Support

Central Florida Support Hotlines / Phone numbers

Main Number: 813-234-1234

Main Number:  352-483-2800

Main Number:  407-740-7477

Main Number:  352-629-9595


Main Number:  407-425-2624


Main Number:  727-791-3131


Additional REsources

Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (MyCAA)

Provides up to $4,000 (over 2 years) of Financial Assistance for military spouses who are pursuing degree programs, licenses or credentials leading to employment in portable career fields.

Military Spouse Employment Partnership (MSEP)

Connects military spouses with hundreds of partner employers who have committed to recruit, hire, promote and retain military spouses.

Military Onesource

24/7 gateway to trusted information, resources and confidential help. When MilLife happens, it’s your “first line of support” — giving service members and military families tools to stay well and thrive.

List of Military Scholarships for Members and Family

When it comes to other scholarship programs and benefits besides what the Government offers, there is so much more. Here is a link of all the benefits and opportunities that are offered to Veterans and Family Members through different companies. I think this is an excellent site Vets can look at for information.


GYS Toolkit

Easy to read pamphlet with helpful information and tips to know about Veteran’s mental health in FL

We Got Your Back Postcard

Share with your friends and family and spread the awareness of the crucial resources that are available.